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发布时间:2008-08-11 10:58:01 来源:转载  作者:转载  浏览次数:

200761,欧盟化学品法规REACH (《化学品注册、评估、授权与限制制度》) 宣布了进口到欧洲市场的化学品的新标准。



目前大多数进口到欧洲的化学品即所谓的“欧洲现有商业化学品”。  2008121之前对这些“欧洲现有商业化学品”进行预注册的公司,其正式注册期限可得到延长。



On June 1, 2007, the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) set new standards for the importation of chemical substances into the European market.

The vast majority of chemical substances currently on the European market will be subject to REACH.

REACH requires registration or authorization with the authorities for companies that manufacture, import, or place chemical substances on the European market. In some cases, even articles containing chemical substances will be subject to REACH registration and authorization.

Most chemicals currently imported into Europe are so-called phase-in substances. Companies that pre-register phase-in substances by 1 December 2008 will benefit from extended deadlines to seek registration.

Companies that do not pre-register these phase-in substances by 1 December 2008 may be barred from exporting products into Europe.
