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《2008 美国消费品安全委员会改革法》的新规定
发布时间:2008-09-04 14:15:40 来源:转载  作者:转载  浏览次数:

2008 8 14 , 美国总统乔治·W·小布什签署立法一部迄今最全面性整顿消费品安全方面法律的新规定。《2008 美国消费品安全委员会改革法》(“《消费品安全委员会改革法》”)对从事外国产品进口的美国进口商做出了一系列严格的新规定,极有可能改变进口商与中国制造商进行业务往来的行事方式。




《消费品安全委员会改革法》授予美国消费品安全委员会(“消费品安全委员会”)新的资源和权力以防危险产品接触消费者。从咖啡机到玩具、草坪割草机、烟花等一万五千多种产品均落入消费品安全委员会的管辖范畴。去年消费品安全委员会破纪录宣布召回了473 种产品,其中74%是中国制造。鉴于最近中国制造的产品所受的关注,从事出口美国的中国公司应注意这部新法的以下重要规定。




1. 设立具有搜索功能的公共数据库

首先,新《消费品安全委员会改革法》规定设立一个具有搜索功能的公共数据库,该数据库将汇集消费者、政府机构、医院、儿童护理机构以及媒体所提交的与消费品相关的伤害、死亡、疾病或风险报告。消费者投诉以及制造商对投诉的答复将公布在由消费品安全委员会维护的数据库内。和欧盟为所有危险消费品(除食品、药品和医疗设备之外)设立的快速预警系统RAPEX 系统一样,美国的新公共数据库将允许有关涉嫌产品安全违法行为的汇报更快速,传播面亦将更广。


2. 儿童产品的新第三方认证和产品标准要求

其次,《消费品安全委员会改革法》规定对针对十二岁以下儿童的产品强制进行第三方认证。该法还强制规定美国进口商遵守独立标准制定机构(美国试验与材料学会国际组织ASTM International)所制定的玩具安全标准以及儿童玩具中所含危险物质的新限量标准。美国进口商极有可能将这些新产品标准交由其中国合作伙伴来恪守。


3. 违反产品安全法规的民事和刑事处罚



New requirements of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Reform Act of 2008


On August 14, 2008, United States President George W. Bush, Jr. signed into law the most comprehensive overhaul of U.S. consumer product safety regulation to date. The Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform Act of 2008 (the "CPSC Reform Act") imposes strict new requirements onU.S. Importers of foreign products, and will likely reshape the way that importers do business with Chinese manufacturers.


The CPSC Reform Act’s Further Empowerment of the CPSC

The CPSC Reform Act grants the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (the "CPSC") new resources and authority to help prevent dangerous products from reaching consumers' hands. Over15,000 products, from coffee makers to toys, lawnmowers and fireworks, fall within the CPSC'sjurisdiction. Last year, the CPSC announced the recall of a record-setting 473 products, with 74% madein China. Given the recent attention to China-manufactured products, Chinese companies that export tothe United States should consider several key provisions of the new legislation.


The CPSC Reform Act’s Impact On Chinese Companies That Export To The United States


1. Creation of a searchable public database

First, the new CPSC Reform Act mandates the creation of a searchable public database of reports of injuries, deaths, illnesses or risks related to consumer products that are submitted by consumers, government agencies, hospitals, child care providers, and the media. Consumer complaints and manufacturers' responses to complaints will be posted on the database, which will be maintained by the CPSC. Similar to the RAPEX system, the European Union’s rapid alert system for all dangerous consumer products (with the exception of food, pharmaceutical and medical devices), the new U.S. public database will allow for more rapid reporting and wider dissemination of purported product safety violations.


2. New third party certification and product standard requirements for children’s products

Second, the CPSC Reform Act imposes mandatory third party certification of products made for children aged 12 years or younger. The legislation also mandates compliance by U.S. importers with toy safety standards set out by ASTM International, an independent standard-setting organization, as well as new thresholds for dangerous substances in children’s toys. U.S. importers will likely pass these new products standards through to their Chinese partners.


3. Civil and criminal penalties for violations of product safety legislation

Third, the CPSC Reform Act increases civil and criminal penalties for violations of product safety legislation. The civil fine penalty cap increases from US$5,000 to US$10,000 per violation and US$1.25 million to US$15 million for aggregate violations. Chinese companies can expect greater pressure to provide indemnification when negotiating contracts with U.S. partners.
